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Moons Moat
Moons Moat Conservation Group © 2010-2018
Although the name of the moat appears on many local signs and markers, there is little remaining of the ancient monument, which is buried beneath a housing estate in the new town. Originally a hunting lodge with a moat, dating back to the sixteenth century, Moons Moat was later extended to include a fishing pool. Today however, the area has become an overgrown eyesore, prey to vandals and fly tippers.
Now thanks, to a previous grant, from the Local Heritage Initiative, and support from Redditch Borough Council, the Moons Moat Conservation group will be setting to work to restore the site to a pristine condition and turn it into a local amenity site.
Derek Coombes, Acting Chairman of the MMCG says ”The whole area has been neglected and overgrown. The moat itself is full of reeds and needs de-silting." He added "We now have a 10 year management and Outreach plans and we need help,implementing these plans." "The project is planned to last ten years and we need volunteers to help us make it happen. During which time we will be engaging with local schools & groups and producing promotional literature so that local people can find out more about this piece of local history.